新冠病毒久久不愈 一年长留在你体内 🦠



COVID 病毒在组织中停留超过一年。

新闻图片:COVID 病毒在组织中停留超过一年

还记得那个就是不肯离开的一位客人吗?嗯,事实证明 COVID-19 病毒可能是你身体中一个相当顽固的访客,即使你已经对它说再见了。 🙄

根据一项开创性研究,研究人员发现引发 COVID-19 的 SARS-CoV-2 病毒的痕迹可能在血液中停留长达惊人的 14 个月,而在初始感染后可能在组织中停留超过两年! 😱 这些发现为一个被称为长期 COVID 的神秘现象投下一些光,大约影响了 30% 曾患病毒的人群。而且,长期 COVID 不是一个时髦的超级英雄名字;它指的是一系列可能持续数月甚至数年的健康问题。 😵

那么,这究竟意味着什么?让我们拆开来,深入探讨 COVID 长期携带者的迷人世界。


在疫情初期,我们认为 COVID-19 只是一个短暂的疾病,就像一场阵痛的感冒或一个易被遗忘的流行歌曲。但现在,我们知道一些人会经历长期 COVID。这就像和一个挥之不去的幽灵生活在一起,但它不会敲击链条发出哀鸣,而是导致大脑混乱、消化问题、呼吸困难、心悸等一系列不受欢迎的症状。 👻

在一项研究中,科学家们研究了 171 名 COVID-19 患者的血样本。他们使用了一种超灵敏的测试,寻找病毒“刺突”蛋白的片段,这种蛋白帮助病毒进入人类细胞,就像一个过于热切的派对闯入者。有趣的是,这些病毒残余在重症 COVID-19 患者和未入院但病情严重的患者身上延留的可能性是患者的两倍。 🧪

现在,接下来的事情真是扑朔迷离。研究人员转向了一个组织库——不,不是那种卖面纸的——来检查 COVID-19 患者的捐赠组织样本。在这些样本中,他们发现来自该病毒的遗传物质长达两年残留,这是在原始感染已像周末客人离开一样清除之后。 🧫

猜猜?这些病毒碎片中有一些已经在结缔组织中扎根,免疫细胞也在那里,引发了激烈的免疫反应。就好像这些病毒的碎片在跟你的免疫系统开玩笑一样,从它们隐藏的角落高呼,“惊喜!” 😏

滞留的病毒是否应对长期 COVID 负责?

啊,百万美元问题:这些持续存在的病毒搭便车者是否会导致长期 COVID? 🤔 嗯,这个问题还有待裁决。但这些发现为潜在的治疗方式和补救措施开启了光明的途径。

基于这项研究,科学家正在探讨单克隆抗体或抗病毒药物是否能帮助清除体内残留的病毒,给长期 COVID 患者带来一些缓解。想象成为一种超级强力的排水剂,将你的系统清洗干净这件事。说到一副闪闪发光的身体! 💦

加利福尼亚大学的传染病专家迈克尔·佩卢索博士及其团队目前正在进行多项临床试验来验证这一理论。尽管仍有许多工作要做,但他们相信他们正在努力理解这位传染性闯入者的长期后果。 💪


问:COVID 病毒可以在体内停留多长时间?

答:根据最新研究,SARS-CoV-2 病毒的碎片可以在血液中持续存在长达 14 个月,在组织中持续存在超过两年。

问:这些持续存在的病毒颗粒会导致长期 COVID 症状吗?


A: While it’s not definitively proven, scientists believe that these remnants may contribute to Long COVID symptoms experienced by some individuals.

Q: What are the symptoms of Long COVID?

A: Long COVID can cause a range of health issues such as brain fog, digestive problems, ongoing breathing difficulty, and heart palpitations, among others.

Q: Are severe COVID cases more likely to have lingering viral particles?

A: Yes, the likelihood of detecting leftover viral particles was higher in people who had been hospitalized for severe COVID cases, as well as in those who experienced significant illness without hospitalization.

Q: How can we flush out the remaining virus from the body?

A: Scientists are exploring the use of monoclonal antibodies and antiviral drugs to eliminate the remaining virus from the body and potentially alleviate Long COVID symptoms.

For more information on this captivating topic, you can check out the University of California, San Francisco news release.

And remember, if you or someone you know is struggling with Long COVID, there is hope on the horizon. The scientific community is working diligently to uncover more answers and develop effective treatments. Together, we’ll kick that pesky virus out and show it the door! 👋


  1. Flu and COVID Cases Climb as RSV Infections Start to Level Off
  2. When Brain Fog Happens, Where is Your Brain?
  3. 5 Medical Advances That Could Change Heart Monitoring
  4. Early Research on Heart Drugs Shows Promise in Fighting Muscular Dystrophy
  5. The Need for Better Minority Enrollment in Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trials

Note: The above links were not a part of the original article but were added for additional information and context.

Now, over to you! Have you or someone you know experienced Long COVID? Share your story in the comments below and let’s support each other through these challenging times. And don’t forget to share this article with your friends and loved ones—it might just help them understand the lingering COVID virus a little better. Together, we can spread awareness and knowledge like wildfire! 🔥🔥🔥
